Sunday, February 12, 2012

Apparently I'm not so hot at keeping this blog up as a regular thing. I do apologize. The semester has begun again and I'm hard at work, this time with much more actual production. I'll be shooting and editing a  screenplay I wrote last semester and making many art projects for my sculpture class.

It occurs to me that I've not really put any of my work up on here, and it might make me think more about the actual production. So how about an art update.

My latest school related project has been inspired by a drawing of a concept. The professor told us to illustrate several descriptive words and we then based a model off of one chosen drawing. I picked the sketch I did for the word "soft." Not such a bad idea, except the materials assigned for the final result are sheets of steel and quarter inch rod. Originally I was stumped with how I was supposed to make something look soft, but I think I may have come across a way to do it.

I will return next time with pictures of my model and drawing, and possibly pictures of the in progress work. Currently I am camera-less and until I can remedy that I don't want to waste time talking about something that a picture could easily explain.

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