Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's that time of the semester...

If you're a college student, or have been a college student in the past, you know how this next bit goes. You've known about all the projects months in advance, but ultimately it's the night before their due and you've yet to begin. Procrastination, it's something I know all to well.

By the end of the semester a fulltime college student has multiple projects due at various times of the week, every week, and each week progressively more difficult as the semester has gone on.  The build up to the end is aggravating as on finds oneself caught between the thought of getting enough sleep or turning in a paper on time. But because you're in college and you're paying several thousand dollars a semester, if not more, you decide to screw sleep and get that paper done.

There's a strange satisfaction when students complain to each other about how little sleep they've had or how much they've had to do. The wish for more sleep is genuine, but one can't help but feel a sense of smugness radiating off the individual who can say they were up til three or four, and woke up less than four hours later to do more homework. It wasn't the best work that could've been done, but hey it still got done. Right? Maybe I'm just deluding myself, but I've felt this pride.

Why is it that people can be proud of the stupidest things?

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