Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Finished my steel project! It's about a foot and a half wide or more and two feet tall, can't be sure because I'm just guesstimating. I got some good feedback on it, and I think it turned out fairly well. What do y'all think, did I manage to convey the concept of "soft" using sheets of steel and rod?

Here's the original concept sketch. 

As you can see it's changed slightly, although it does keep the original idea of using multiple curved objects to create a texture. This idea I pushed even further by using curved triangles and rounding them out. I also kept the idea of having the curves move upward on one end, though I did change the direction the curves faced.

We're going to start dipping our wax models on monday and I've scheduled a shoot for my video project this weekend. More updates to follow! 

Monday, February 13, 2012

I promised photos of my current art project and since I was on a roll of being on top of things, I borrowed a camera to take a few pictures. 

These are of the miniature model I made of the concept "soft," and the original drawing looked completely different. I quite like the model, especially how the paper I used for the triangles stands out against the wire. Although the final result will be different as I will be using sheet metal and not paper. 

Here is the full scale base of the piece, with paper triangles as stand-ins so I can visualize where I will put the sheet metal ones. You can see the model in the background to get an idea of the size change. At this point in time I have all five of the large and small triangles cut out, their edges filed, and have bowed them out so that they kind of look like a scoop. I am toying with the idea of bashing the edges of the triangles to give it a more rippled and organic feel, but I'm not sure how I'll like it as a whole as of yet. 

The next step after getting the triangles mostly ready and the wire bent (by hand might I add, and god that was annoying. Cept the end bits, I cheated on those) is to add the slots for the triangles to fit in.

The handy dandy tool that will accomplish this.

Clamped tight, and all the way through. It's a long process but got there in the end. Final project is due next monday, let's see if I can finish it in time and still manage to update.

Also I began sculpting with wax today for the first time, and loved it. I'll save those photos for another time. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Apparently I'm not so hot at keeping this blog up as a regular thing. I do apologize. The semester has begun again and I'm hard at work, this time with much more actual production. I'll be shooting and editing a  screenplay I wrote last semester and making many art projects for my sculpture class.

It occurs to me that I've not really put any of my work up on here, and it might make me think more about the actual production. So how about an art update.

My latest school related project has been inspired by a drawing of a concept. The professor told us to illustrate several descriptive words and we then based a model off of one chosen drawing. I picked the sketch I did for the word "soft." Not such a bad idea, except the materials assigned for the final result are sheets of steel and quarter inch rod. Originally I was stumped with how I was supposed to make something look soft, but I think I may have come across a way to do it.

I will return next time with pictures of my model and drawing, and possibly pictures of the in progress work. Currently I am camera-less and until I can remedy that I don't want to waste time talking about something that a picture could easily explain.