Friday, March 22, 2013

Piano Dress

So ages ago, my mom was expressing a wish for the piano in our house to be dismantled and gotten rid of. This spurred many ideas, including the one below. I am currently in the process of turning the piano parts I salvaged (keys, pedals, and strings) into a dress. I'm so happy with how parts of it are turning out that I just had to share. (below are concept sketches)

So far the only constant is the skirt, the idea of the keys hanging around the border of it is a consistent one that I'm unwilling to let go of. 

The hoopskirt I made by roughly following the tutorial by Yiji at It's now taking up a good chunk of my little art/bedroom. Nevertheless! I am excited for it to be completed!

Ta da! It's a skirt! (Totes made the pattern up myself!)

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